Monday, October 26, 2009

Week3: Reading Homework (Chapter 2: Part2)

1. Summary of information, topics covered.

The second part of chapter 2 continues about “Wrangling Audience and Content.” Resolving and updating content is very important. Many design artifacts have a shorter shelf life these days, so you need to think and plan ahead a time for updating content in the future. When you are deciding on the final form factor, you need to know it could be different from your first thought, and determine how it would fit your budget and requirement. Creative Brief is around 2-10 pages of outlines about the project. It is necessary you and your team have a clear understood of its background and goals. It is “the source” for project requirements. You need the client’s final approval before you start the project. A basic creative brief content breaks down into client information, project information, project goals and requirements, and project logistics. The writer should be the person who keeps in contact with the client the most, such as the project manager. The chapter also talks about “personas and Scenarios.” It leads you to make a successful information design if you understand its main audience. Scenarios help you to understand how users interact with information design.

2. Two links germaine to topics covered.
  • This site explains about writing a creative brief such as background, Objectives, the message, the medium, the deadline, budget, and the responsible parties.
  • This site talks about sample tools of user research such as user personas, scenarios, mental models, and task analysis, and explains each tools.


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