Friday, May 13, 2011

Photography for My Microsite Project ~part1~

Today I am posting the photos I have taken. Theme is "Addictions". These three images are part of the series and I was trying to post them last night, but there was some technical issue with the blogspot, so I couldn't finish the post. I have 4 more images for this series, and I will post them tonight with better explanations for this project and coming project using them.


Plastic Surgery


Related blog post:
Photography for My Microsite Project ~part1~
Photography for My Microsite Project ~part2~

Microsite Project for Addiction ~part1~


  1. We took this class together remember? I think your theme and photos are the greatest in the class. I really love them. You can defiantly appeal your photo skill to companies where you want to work!! It should help when you get job. Again it's great!!

  2. @Masayo Kimura

    Thank you so much, Masayo.
    It was great summer taking the class with you.
    I cannot draw, so I am hoping photography would support this negative side:)

  3. i like them.
    especially first one.
    to use barbie doll is really nice.

    i forgot to image something new as i grow.
    so im always stimulated in your ideas.

    thank you ♪

  4. @haruna

    Thanks, haruka.
    My favorite out of these three is also the first one too.
