Friday, May 13, 2011

Web Hosting Services Shopping

I have finally started looking for my Web hosting service company. I have never bought one for myself, but I really should have one as web designer. I have mentioned few times in my blog postings that I'm taking portfolio class right now. I have to create, code, and publish my own website with my own domain name onto my own server. It is one of many requirement to pass this class. I have started creating my site, and will be up withing next 5 weeks or so. I'll post the project and website here soon.

I don't know much about Web hosting companies, but I am thinking about getting one from one of these companies:
These are some of the sites where you can find ranking of good and cheap Web hosts:

If you have some suggestions and recommendations, please let me know!


  1. ネット系で何かを決めたりするって迷うよね・・・

  2. @haruna


  3. Out of your list, I've had experiences with hostmonster and dreamhost. Out of the two, I do think that hostmonster has a better cpanel and it's less confusing. But, I haven't experience any downtime w/ dreamhost either. haha. There's pros and cons with every server.

  4. @Ayen

    I was about to get the hostmonster, but have end up with FatCow. I hope it'll work well.
    Thanks for sharing your experiences!
