Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Week4: Reading Homework (Chapter 3)

1. Summary of information, topic covered.

Chapter 3 talks about prototypes and the testing process, separating it into three sections such as Structural Overviews, Creating the Blueprints, and Research and Testing. Some of the structural overview documents could be sitemaps and page maps that are helpful for you to have big picture of your project and hierarchy of information. The wireframes give you body to the structure and characteristics. These steps help you answer the questions of what you need and don’t need for your project. The wireframes help you save money and time by figuring out the needs of your project. Usability testing is very important for you to know how well your design is and how you could improve it. It may cost your client to test the product, but it would save them money in the long run. It is better to start the test early and frequently. When you make any changes test it again and record the data. There are different types of user research and testing such as concept tests, participatory design, design testing, focus groups, usability testing, and beta testing and performance testing.

2. Two links germaine to topics covered.

This page talks about site map usability with research studies of site maps.

this page shows examples of site maps.


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