Friday, November 27, 2009

Week8: Reading Homework (Chapter 6)

1. Summary of information, topics covered

Chapter 6 talks about the information graphics case studies of Alejandro Tumas, The New York Times, Funnel Incorporated, White Rhino, Nigel Holmes, and The Wall Street Journal. Humans are visual learner. Info-graphics is turning something complicated into a clear, appealing, explanatory diagrammatic, and to five audiences a better understanding of information. You have to have good information to make effective info-graphics and it could help to start with more information than you would need to create it. A Whiteboard sketch gives the client something to react to, and allows them the opportunity for everyone to agree in the end. Good info-graphics tell the story with as little words as possible and helps people to read. It is important to pay attention to the use of colors and typography. You need to know the subject and have a desire to be a good designer. Complicated finance fields often hire someone who has background in finance, math, economics, or journalism to teach them to create an information design.

2. Two links germaine to topics covered
Here you can find a lot of good examples of infographics including some example we have seen in the class. You can see the how they create good images with text, use of colors, and kind of information other designers use.

The website give you 27 visualizations and infographics to understand the financial crisis.

This is a website of Nigel Holmes who is one of the designer in the chapter 6. Here you can see some of his motion graphics, diagrams, charts, maps, and other information of him.


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