Monday, November 23, 2009

Week7: Reading Homework (Chapter 8)

1. Summary of information, topics covered.
In Chapter 8 it talks about the wayfinding system for effective environmental design with some case studies for reference. Templates can give a structure to help viewers deal with information. It is important to use consistent and literate signs, and you have to address any exceptions. Viewers won’t stay interested if there is long text, but images can help keep their attention. Interactive information is also great options to get the attention of people and give good information. When you are creating the system, you have to have the big picture and see situations in sequence. Symbols need to be self-explanatory. Color is one of best tools to attract the viewer’s attention and show hierarchy. Creating some storyboard scenarios to see how some people would navigate the area would help designers to create a wayfinding system better because it is all about user experiences. The audience is usually very diverse, and the design should appeal to all of them. Environmental design could involve with a complex team but at the end of the project members have to agree to the final goal. Photos can help the design to be more emotional and to better speak to audiences.

2. Two links germaine to topics covered.

You can find a lot of projects of wayfinding here, and there are some examples of what this company offer as wayfinding and environmental graphic design that give you good ideas for the project 3.

This is one of the pages from AIGA site that talks about symbol signs. The symbols could guide people to find their way, and the page has some of the symbols used internationally and you could download them too.

3. Five potential clients for Project 3

1.Kubota Garden

Images of the garden

Idea site for sings:和風%E3%80%80サイン&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

Sign Board:


2.Woodland Park Zoo
3.Art Institute of Seattle
4.West Seattle Junction:

5. Seattle Aquarium


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