Monday, November 16, 2009

Week6: Reading Homework (Chapter 5)

1. Summary of information, topics covered

Chapter 5 talks about how the most effective information designs in print should send a clear communication to audiences. Its topics are Carbone Smolan Agency, Smart Design, Addison, Pentagram Design, And Partners, and Simon & Goetz Design for case studies. It is very important to understand capital. The packaging of products and their labels need to be modern, but easy to understand and reflect the price of the product, saving spaces at retail stores when products are out side of the box, and give the consumer good information. Too much complicated text is hard to understand, it is clearer when you use plain English and typography. You could use different sizes, colors, and other styles to main information to create hierarchy. Grids also help to uniform and clarify the information. Simple geometric images catch the viewer’s attention easily. Visual information is a product that can show the emotions that appeal viewers.

2. Two links germaine to topics covered

This website has a lot of examples, articles, tutorials, and resources of grid designs. One of the article from this website shows good examples of grid layout that show how effective grids are to unify and separate information.

This page talks about including emotions into the design. The emotions that are involuve a relationship are short, and personal add aesthetics, usability, and reflection to the design.


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