Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Useful Tool: iPhone Wireframe Templates for Sketching

One of my friend introduced me this useful link page "10 Free Printable Web Design Wireframing Templates" from WDL (Web Design Ledger) site.
You could find many sites where give you different type of template, but I fond their wireframing templates very useful, so I decided to share with people who come to read my blog (thank you!), but don't know about this site.
This would also help me going back to the page if I lost the downloaded file.

On this page, you can find:
  1. Paper browser
  2. iPhone Application Sketch Template v1.3
  3. Six page template
  4. Wireframe template
  5. iPad Application Sketch Template v1
  6. iPhone Wireframe Templates for Sketching
  7. iPhone App Wireframe Template
  8. Concept7 Sketching Grid Paper
  9. Paper wireframe templates
  10. 960 grid template

I have started iPhone app interface design project for a company (I will post it here when I'm done with the design!), so I needed to start sketching my ideas and I am using one of the templates below:

If you are not a designer/web related person, you could still use these template for fun...I bet somehow!

Other related my blog post to this page:
  1. Useful Tool: iPhone Wireframe Templates for Sketching
  2. Another Useful Tool: iPhone GUI PSD Version 4
  3. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Research/Process ~
  4. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Sketches~
  5. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Interface 1
  6. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Interface2~
  7. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Interface3~


  1. I think so. Its useful for fun!
    I like to imagine what I want to do with that kind of tool.

  2. This is great since I'll take a mobile class next quarter! I'll definitely use them.

  3. @mizukiyaginuma


    I'll be taking the class next quarter too. I'll post one more useful link with iphone tools for designer I'm using now. Maybe tonight.

  4. @Haruna


    Thanks! could be kid's "oekaki"paper :)

  5. I use a powerful iphone mockup tool called creately for designing and prototyping iphone apps. There are many examples in the diagram community to get started drawing mockups as well.
