Sunday, April 10, 2011

AIGA Event: Pixel Punchout, Round 1,The Elite Eight

There was "Pixel Punchout" Round 1 this past Friday at the Art Institute of Seattle. It was my first time attending to the AIGA event.

The eight competitors were:
Nate Johnson of frog
Bryan Mamaril of Hornall Anderson
Zach Pfriem of Ascentium
Brian Piper of Tether
Anasazi Wade of Starbucks
Jeff Barlow of Starbucks Global Creative
Josh Peters of Cicada
Tara Lee of Graphiti.

I thought it was very fun and I am thinking about going this Round 2 this coming Friday. It will be at north campus of the Art Institute of Seattle.
Are anybody also interested to go?

My Other Post about Pixel Punchout Event:
  1. AIGA EventPixel Punchout Round 1 "The Elite Eight"
  2. AIGA EventPixel Punchout Round 2 "The Final Four"


  1. I know, but it was because of one of these teams. It should be a lot calmer this Friday.

  2. It was fun/cool to see how the work under all those noise. lol

  3. Mavis,
    I didn't know when you left there. We went to get some drinks after the event, and we were talking with a couple competitors at a bar.
    Are you going there this Friday?
