Friday, April 22, 2011

iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Research/Process ~

I was talking about my new iPhone App project I have been working on in my previous blog post, and this is a part of my research/process I was doing for this project.
The client is "Three Tree Tea Company" in Seattle. The top image is loading screen when you first click a icon of application from your phone top screen:)
I will continue to post more work!!

Project Statement:
ir mission is to present to you our line of superior, hand-picked and carefully blended teas. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy our teas not only to relax but also for their flavor and beauty.

This is small business in Seattle and I am designing Mobile Application to help business to be spread from this app. The business is running online based, and this app should help target audiences to understand more about teas and their products, and it would also give them an option to buy their product from their cell phone.

  • The company started in 1995
  • They operated a unique and Asian-inspired tea house that blended the natural and organic elements with the tradition of tea, but in a non-intimidating way.
  • The logo consists of three tree, again derived from Three Tree Point and very representative of Washington State
  • Products: matcha, Tea Tools, Tea Late Powder, Hana-cha, other Japanese tea and more.
Target Audiences
  • Wholesale such as coffee and teashops as well as for resale in grocery stores and specialty/ gift shops. However, this project is targeting more towered to individual shoppers.
  • People who are into natural and organic product
  • Middle age group (mainly women)
I like to add playful and fun atmosphere, but also give an organic and natural feeling of their product.

Key Benefit
Focus of this iPhone app would be the "steap timer" option that users could use when they make tea from the company, and each tea will have proper length of steaping time. It would also give some tips for each product such as amount and temperature of hot water.

Support Statement
Tea market is glowing in the United States, but it could be better. There are some simple easy steps you could do to make your tea much more enjoyable in everyday life. I hope this application will help users to buy good tea, steap more flavorful tea at home, and making and drinking tea as their part of life style.

Other related my blog post to this page:

  1. Useful Tool: iPhone Wireframe Templates for Sketching
  2. Usuful Tool: iPhone GUI PSD Version 4
  3. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Research/Process ~
  4. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Sketches~
  5. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Interface 1
  6. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Interface2~
  7. iPhone App Project (ThreeTreeTea): ~Interface3~


  1. i wanna have the app you made!

  2. @haruna

    Whole project is coming up very soon!
    I appreciate you soooooooo much for always coming to visit my blog!

  3. Kayano, I think you should cut it short. Text are a little too long.

  4. @Ayen

    It's note for my UX documentation:)
    I thought about creating each posting specific length and give option to click more to read whole post. But I tend not to read whole post if I see the option in others blog, so I didn't make it.
    Mmmmm, I'll reconsidered this once again!
