Friday, April 29, 2011

Newer Design of Capsule Hotel

You may have heard about Capsule Hotel in Japan.The first capsule hotel was open in 1979 in Osaka, Japan.
"It is a type of hotel with a large number of extremely small "rooms" (capsules) intended to provide cheap and basic overnight accommodation for guests not requiring the services offered by more conventional hotels."
Please see the video of how design could change this industry and it is amazing!

Capsule Hotel - 9 Hours from Christoph on Vimeo.

Their concept is shown image below here. It is shown very simple, but it makes total sense of why they call this hotel "9h (nine hours)". We are all living in some kind of designs, and designs are all around us. This concept of design would change a lot about this capsule hotels, and I really want to try it myself someday...... Maybe next visit there?

More information about this hotel:

Hotel Website (Japanese/English)


  1. I honestly wanted to try this when I went but I found out about them after my trip in Japan. :( Now...I have no idea when I'll be able to go back again.

  2. @Ayen

    I have never interested in a capsule hotel this much until I saw this.
    I always felt it is interesting, but it is not so safe for women to stay in a capsule hotel, but it blew my mind!
