Friday, April 15, 2011

Photography: Self-Portrait 1

This is my own self-portrait that was done in Adobe Photoshop more than 2 years ago, I think.
I took the photos of myself and my own x-ray (my friend actually helped me take photo of the x-ray). I got a background image from Getty Image. I combined all of them to create this self-portrait.

The focus was to create a self-portrait that would reflect myself at the time.
I just got back going to school at time, and dry ground showed I could absorb anything in this big opportunity, but inside there was a part of me having hard time getting back to school life again and having some sort of anxieties from all the changes I was going through and all other things in my life. However, I was least looking up though:)
I think that was my rough concept, but I am pretty sure that I just wanted to use my own x-ray image in this project?!

These are the images I have used in the project:


  1. This is really cool--love it!

  2. That's nice!! I like it and thanks to invite me here :)

  3. Haruna,

    Thanks and welcome:)
    I'm so glad you are visiting my blog site!

  4. Wow! I would love to see more of your projects!!

  5. Atsuko,

    Thank you so much for your comment! Some more projects are coming up, and I would loooove to hear what you think.
