Tuesday, May 3, 2011

InDesign: Playing with Type1 ~"Transition"~

These were done in Adobe InDesign using word "transition." How design could support a word is very interesting. I had so much fun doing this project!

"Transition" by dictionary.com:
movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
from adolescence to adulthood.

The first image has "S" as its transition, and I also created color transition of white and black. Doesn't lying "S" look like a good transitional icon?

I did another one with "Transition" using letter sizes and color values. Letter size is getting smaller moving left to right, and letter color is getting lighter up to down.


  1. I like the first one.
    It seems to explain mean of transition.

  2. @Haruna

    Thanks, Haruna.
    Design precess start from picking fonts, and I did this mini project quite while ago. I hope I could do this excise better now:)

  3. Nice font choice on the first one and well executed. As a designer you will always look back at projects and wonder if you could have done something else. This is good because it means you are a life long learner and always keeping up with trends and pushing your talents. You have a great future ahead of you as a designer!

  4. @manja

    Thank you so much for nice comment!
    This blog thing is letting me go over my old files and making me think why I couldn't do better, but your comment made me think these thinking process is necessary for me to improve.
