Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My First Web Hosting Company and Domain

Do you remember about my previous post "Web Hosting Services Shopping " I was talking about looking for my first Web hosting company?

I was telling myself "I am going to purchase one today!" for few days, and I finally got one this past Monday. My last three possible companies were DreamHost, BlueHost, and FatCow, and I decided to go for FatCow. It had best deal (cheapest cost) and had good review as other two. I also got response from web design club member saying he has been using FatCow for years and he really likes it.

I also got my very first own domain.
My portfolio website address will be:

This site is not ready yet, but will be up shortly. I am using Blogspot (this blog) right now, but soon everything will be transferred to for good. You can already use my new blog site, but I'm still using here for now because I am not sure how to use new one quiet yet. I will let you know when I stop using here, and make sure to leave my new links here again.

If anyone is interested in the site:

Make sure that they have a deal!
FatCow is also eco-friendly company that hosted by 100% wind energy!


  1. okay! im waiting for you :)
    but im worrying that i can see your new one if i live in japan?
    is there special thing to access it??

  2. @haruna

    No worries. New one should work jut fine for you to come visit my blog.
    I'm struggling a little to use it at this moment, but you can already go see the new blog site if you like.

  3. Thank you for the information you have shared. Just continue writing this kind of post. I will be your loyal reader
